The procedure for changing the old title deed to the new digital one: The digitization of land records in Kenya

With the digital advancement, the procedure for changing the old title deed to the new digital one has also changed. The e-government is a proficient service that allows Kenyans to perform various procedures online. Digitization allows seamless payments through credit or debit cards and M-Pesa.

If you are wondering what is the procedure for changing the old title deed to the new digital one, we have your back. A streamlined process empowers sellers and buyers by making the transaction effortless. Although land digitization was launched in 2021, it is gaining momentum and will soon take effect in the entire country.

Land Digitization in Kenya

Digitization of land records in Kenya entails using the Document Management System to manage land record titles. It necessitates the management of scanning, arching, and indexing deed files. Ministry of Lands digitization requires the landowner to surrender the old title deed to get a new title deed per the digitized data.

Digitization is set to eliminate historical land injustices and issues such as title duplication, loss of documents, or record destruction. As a landowner, you should familiarize yourself with how Ardhisasa operates. Let us explore how to get a deed plan in Kenya.

Explained procedures for changing the old title to the new Digital One

A few years ago, the title deed transfer process in Kenya was hectic and time-consuming. Fortunately, the digitization era has enabled the Ministry of Land to seamlessly and quickly change old deeds into new title deeds. Follow this procedure to replace the old title deeds. 

Visit the Land Registry

This is the initial step to changing your old deed to the digitized one. Assume your land is located in Nairobi. You will visit the Central Registry at Ardhi House.


Carry the original documents to certify that you are the legitimate landowner. This includes Original Title Deeds, affidavits, ID cards, and other identification documents.

Complete the Application Form

Converting Kenya’s title deed requires you to fill out Form LRA 97. Ensure you attach the original documents you had carried.


The vetting process begins with the Land Registry staff reviewing your documents to ensure every record is correct. They need to confirm that you are a legitimate title holder with a valid title number and authentic national ID.


Once the vetting process is over and all documents are certified, the old title deed will get canceled, and you will be issued a new Title Deed.

Detailed Procedure of What Is Required When Checking the Digital Title Deed

Digitization of Title Deeds streamlines the process of conducting internet-based searches. Once you learn how to check Title Deeds online in Kenya, you can purchase land effortlessly. Here is what is required of you when checking for the digital deed.

·       Create an e-Citizen account: If you have an account, log in or create one if you don’t have one.

·       Select the Ministry of Land option, then go to the land search category. The platform is easy to navigate, making it suitable for everyone.

·       Input the Title Deed number you are checking and complete the land search. Ensure all the details are correct, including the title and plot numbers.

·       For submission to be complete, you will have to pay. The payment button allows you to pay with a debit or credit card or through M-Pesa.

·       Print the results. The process is straightforward and takes a few minutes. This process gives buyers an easy moment when purchasing land.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Digital Title Deed?

  • Saves Time: Checking for digital Title Deeds online saves you time as it eliminates the need to queue at the record office.

  • Accuracy: Accurate and harmonized records make the process easy.

  • Prevents Corruption: You can check for all types of deed plans in Kenya without fearing cartels manipulating records.

  • Security: Digitized Title Deeds are safe from physical damage.

  • Ease of Access: You can easily retrieve land records for whatever purpose.

Who Are the Predecessors of the New Land Registration Act of 2012?

The old land regime and laws are:

  1. The Registered Land Act

  2. The Registration of Titles Act

  3. Indian Transfer of Property Act

  4. The Government Lands Act

  5. The Land Titles Act

How Long Does It Take to Change Title Deeds in Kenya?

The process should take less than 90 days.

Can Title Deed Be Changed Without Consent?

No one should change a Title Deed without consent. However, it can happen through real estate fraud, where someone forges your documents.

What Is the Title Conversion Process in Kenya?

It is the process of registering the current Title Deed numbers under the new registration units. It required a cadastral map by the Survey of Kenya. The process requires the landowners to surrender the old Deeds to the Ministry of Land and replace the Deed plan sample used for processing titles.

To this point, we believe the procedure for changing the old title deed to the new digital one should be one of your least worries. Migrating to digital space will harmonize property valuation, ensuring buyers purchase lands at a fair price. Besides, your acreage will get registered without any tampering.
