
Contact us

  • no-hidden-charges-our-prices-are-all-inclusive

    No hidden charges: Our prices are all inclusive

  • genuine-land-we-sell-what-we-own

    Genuine land: We sell what we own

  • Location

    We have a permanent office address at AMG Centre

  • 60-days-title-delivery-with-a-money-back-guarantee

    60-days title delivery with a money back guarantee

  • we-deliver-your-title-deed-at-your-doorstep

    We deliver your title deed at your doorstep

  • Latest Offers

    "Where Every Investment Becomes an Opportunity to win: Explore Our Offers"

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    0 Per Ticket

    Get a 5% discount on your land purchase!

    Get a 5% Discount on your land purchase by sending a picture of this postcard to +254 796 888 555.